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Scientific Foundations of Kinesiology

KINE 3020 

This class was formerly a required course for Exercise Science, Physical Activity and Health, and Physical Education/Teacher Education majors. Students were primarily sophomores and juniors, with the goal of the class to give a general overview of the field of Kinesiology before taking more specific classes, such as Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics. This course was taught in three, five week sections, with a different teacher for each. My role was to teach the five week Exercise Physiology portion, covering some of the history of the study of exercise, as well as some elementary bioenergetics and adaptations to physical activity and exercise. This course served as a way of easing me into teaching lecture-based classes, allowing me to teach a portion of a course instead of being responsible for an eighteen week course without any prior teaching experience.

© 2012 by DAVID ELMER

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