Doctoral Candidate: Exercise Physiology
Auburn University
David Elmer
Physical Conditioning & Speed
KINE 4640
Physical Conditioning and Speed is required for undergraduate students majoring in Fitness, Conditioning, and Performance at Auburn University. This class was a new course offering that I was given the opportunity to develop. Much like a dog learning to swim, I was apprehensive about such a large undertaking. I was responsible for building the structure of the course, selecting topics and material, generating lecture presentations and lab activities, and writing the tests and assignments. Developing this new section proved to be a challenge since there was no existing framework to build upon, but it was a fantastic learning experience as well. Again like learning to swim, being "thrown-in" taught me how to develop a new course by forcing me to think critically about how to teach and creatively engage students throughout a semester.
Course Topics
Click lecture topic for link to presentation materials:
Energy Systems (bioenergetics)
This topic incorporates the basics of how energy is supplied to working muscles in the body, with an emphasis on how each of the three systems are interrelated, as well as what sets them apart from each other.
Quiz #1
Neuromuscular Function & Fiber Types
The goal of this lecture is to give students a basic understanding of how the nervous and muscular systems interact to develop force. The order of recruitment and characteristics of various muscle fiber types are also emphasized.
Quiz #2
Before hypertrophy is discussed in subsequent lectures, the mechanisms of protein balance are summarized, with special attention given to how exercise can affect these mechanisms.
Test #1
Material overviews the trainable characteristics, principles, and strength training recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine 2009 Position Stand.
"Quiz #3" - Writing Assignment
Hypertrophy, Power, and Endurance
The modifications to basic strength training guidelines according to training goals are explained and compared. General outlines for various resistance training programs are discussed.
A brief history of periodization and the rationale for its use are included in this lecture, along with periodization strategies for different training goals.
Quiz #4
Resistance Training & Spotting Technique
Lab/lecture combination, covering general resistance training exercises and spotting techniques. Exercises are classified in light of the "exercise selection and order" recommendations when training for strength, hypertrophy, power, and endurance.
Plyometric exercises are defined and characterized in this short lecture. Implementation tactics are mentioned briefly, and will be covered again in later topics.
The differences between these two discrete skills are presented, along with the factors that influence performance in both areas. This topic highlights peer-reviewed research comparing and contrasting the (lack of) relationship between sprint speed and agility.
Quiz #5
Speed Endurance & Repeated Sprint Ability
This often overlooked (and sparsely researched) topic is critical in team sport activities or tasks that must be performed repeatedly at a high level. Examining speed endurance and repeated sprint ability also serves as a smooth transition between anaerobic and aerobic training and adaptations.
Performance limiting factors and training adaptations are addressed for aerobic performances of different lengths. Special attention is paid to factors that can be improved through endurance training. An overview of a typical aerobic training program is included.
Test #2
Project Presentations